Thursday, February 12, 2015

Should there be a Naked Statue of Bill Cosby?

After being accused of sexual assault by more than thirty women, America's favorite comedian and renowned pop culture figure, Bill Cosby, was put to shame. Despite the fact that he has not yet been convicted of these alleged crimes, his once magnificent image has been tarnished nonetheless. His place in history as a progressionist for the portrayal of African Americans on television may even be ruined.

However, one high school artist from Massachusetts, Rodman Edwards believes that Cosby's punishment of shame, ruin and inevitable prison time is not enough. Edwards feels that two statues honoring Cosby- one of which is in Walt Disney World, the other in the TV Hall of Fame in California- should be removed and replaced (in a different location, such as an art museum) with something intended to shame the criminal: enormous bronze statues of the man standing naked with Fat Albert in place of his penis.

Rodman Edwards' Digital Proposal
As humorous as the proposal is, it is genuinely being considered. The statue will be presented at the Cory Allen Contemporary are showroom on February 20th, and the idea is being proposed to the Academy of Television Arts and Science Hall of Fame.

While it may be reasonable to argue that the previous works that honored Cosby should taken down, I am not so sure about arguing for this sort of replacement. Cosby's actions may have warranted many decades in prison, but should a buffoonish statue of him be added to his punishment as well? Maybe a better question would be: is this the way the situation should be handled?

With the severity of Cosby's alleged crimes taken into consideration, I am not sure that this kind of statue gets the job done properly. I feel as if it turns a series of horrible rapes and turns it into something that can be punished with an unusual joke that has no connection at all to the crimes except for maybe the lack of clothing. Also, it is important to consider that a statue is permanent, something put in place to preserve the memory of honorable people. And quite simply, though he had two of his own statues before, Cosby is sadly no longer a person to be remembered with one.

What do you guys thing about statues such as these being displayed in a contemporary art museum?

1 comment:

  1. Spencer- I think that it would be appropriate to remove the statues, but it would be completely inapproriate to have naked statues of him for many reasons. First, because they're shouldn't be naked statues of someone, especially in Disney World. Secondly, I think it is wrong to humiliate someone in this way- of course what Cosby did was wrong, but we shouldn't be fighting fire with fire. He should be aproppriately punished under the law, not through sheer humiliation and embarrassment. Also, I think you're right in saying that this punishment would not fit the crime- the statues have nothing to do with Cosby's alleged crimes.
